Clarity of vision and purpose along with a focused plan
All of us have aspirations about owning our dream car, or running our own independent business, getting that perfect job, or living in the home of our dreams. However, all these beautiful things don’t seem to materialize for most people.
Because all these things mentioned are just vague ideas, formed in our mind, without any strong sense of purpose or desire. The lack of purpose and direction is why, good intentions notwithstanding, we never find ourselves closer to our dreams.
Without being driven by a sense purpose and a strong desire, a desire that will carry us through obstacles and road blocks to our goals, we are often left floundering in our quests.
How and where do we find our true purpose and desire? How can we wake up every morning feeling determined to reach our goals and improve our life?
Simply by knowing where we are going. By knowing what our core values and beliefs are. And, by aligning our goals with those core values and beliefs.
When what we say we want, and what we truly believe deep within come together as one, we experience courage, determination and conviction like never before.
Only when we set goals that are not in line with our internal beliefs and values, do we experience frustration, fear of failure, and anxiety about our future.
Isn’t it time we aligned our goals with who we are, and what we really want in our lives?
Remember, clarity of vision and purpose along with a focused plan of action is the key to success. For as Socrates said, “If a man does not know to what port is he sailing, no wind is favorable.”
By – Herb Ratsch