Biological Fitness Definition & Concept

> Biological Fitness  Definition & Concept

> What is Evolutionary Fitness? | Survival of the Fittest

Fitness in evolutionary terms has a much different meaning then the way we use it today, but don’t worry, the answers are in the video.

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Transcript: Thanks for stopping by, today we are talking about fitness.

Not this kind of fitness, but evolutionary fitness.

Evolutionary fitness can be generally defined as an organism’s capacity to survive and reproduce in a given environment.

Let’s break this definition down a little further.

First, fitness starts in the genes. It is the fitness of genotypes and phenotypes that determine the survival of a species, or rather, the survival of certain genes within that species.

When we talk about survival it is not necessarily the fastest or strongest that survive, but those with the best advantage in that environment

Examples include traits like camouflage to hide from predators, acute night vision for hunting prey, and even sleeping with one eye open to stay alert, like the dolphin.

But this is only half the story, the ability to reproduce and pass those genes on is just as important as survival. This where sexual selection traits come in.

Examples include traits such as feather or coat color for attracting a mate, mating songs or dances, and also physically competing for mating rights.

So again, fitness deals with both survival AND reproduction. If you have one but not the other, genes will not likely be passed on.

And that’s it. If you found this video helpful give it a like and share it with your classmates, they probably need the help too. Be sure to check out my other videos and if you have any questions, throw them in the comments or check the link in the description. Thanks for watching, I’ll catch you next time.

-RIP Harambe-