7 Ways to Chop an Onion: You Suck at Cooking (episode 9)

> 7 Ways to Chop an Onion: You Suck at Cooking (episode 9)

Subscribe for more unconventional culinary mastery; ►►http://bit.ly/1HuynlY
See how far Grilled Cheese Robot technology has come: ►►http://bit.ly/1dZ1gOF

Onion chopping technology has come a long way since the 1940’s, but few people take advantage of it. Why is that? Ignorance. That’s why.
Video Rating: / 5

> Beginners Guide To Cooking - Learn The Basics

There are a ton of videos out there that teach you, in a short amount of time, how to do one or two things but when it comes to really learning the basics for someone who doesn’t know anything, it is hard to find proper direction.

For this video I wanted to do something different than our other videos. I have created a long form video to help anyone that doesn’t know much about cooking, or anything at all, get into cooking. Basic techniques or holding a knife, seasoning food, cutting vegetables, marinating meat, making sauces, plating dishes, and so forth.

The goal is that by watching this video you will come to see that cooking is really quite simple and that it doesn’t take much effort at all, just some time, some love, and some fun.

Please feel free to share this with anyone that may be interested, perhaps someone that has always wanted to cook but never thought they could. Remember cooking is easy and if you put in the time it will be an extremely rewarding experience.
Video Rating: / 5

Cooking at Pétrus with Gordon & Neil Snowball – Gordon Ramsay

> Cooking at Pétrus with Gordon & Neil Snowball - Gordon Ramsay

An evening at Pétrus with Gordon Ramsay and Head Chef, Neil Snowball. Take a look behind the scenes of Gordon’s Michelin star kitchen at Pétrus.


Subscribe for weekly cooking videos.

If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:

Video Rating: / 5

> Gordon Ramsay's ULTIMATE COOKERY COURSE: How to Cook the Perfect Steak

Gordon Ramsay's ULTIMATE COOKERY COURSE: How to Cook the Perfect Steak

You can now pre-order Gordon Ramsay’s new book – Ultimate Home Cooking – before it’s release 29th August 2013.

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course is out now in all good bookshops.

“I want to teach you how to cook good food at home. By stripping away all the hard graft and complexity, anyone can produce mouth-watering recipes. Put simply, I’m going to show you how to cook yourself into a better cook.”

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course is about giving home cooks the desire, confidence and inspiration to hit the stoves and get cooking, with over 120 modern, simple and accessible recipes. The ultimate reference bible, it’s a lifetime’s worth of expertise from one of the world’s finest chefs distilled into a beautiful book.

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course is about giving home cooks the desire, confidence and inspiration to hit the stoves and get cooking, with over 120 modern, simple and accessible recipes. The ultimate reference bible, it’s a lifetime’s worth of expertise from one of the world’s finest chefs distilled into a beautiful book.

Hodder & Stoughton is a major publisher within Hachette UK, one of the UK’s biggest publishing groups. We publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Subscribe to our channel to discover more inspiring videos of our award-winning books and authors: http://bit.ly/ZxCFcv

Visit out website at http://bit.ly/ZxBY2Z
Follow us on Twitter at http://bit.ly/1zf2yym
Find us on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/1rHy6CQ

Video Rating: / 5

Who’s Cooking Tonight? (Five Nights at Freddy’s Version)

> Who's Cooking Tonight? (Five Nights at Freddy's Version)

Cooking PIZZA is a serious Business after all…
It’s Finally HERE! After 5 days of non stop working, It’s FINALLY HERE!!!
This is just a FNAF Version of Raikujo’s “Who’s Cooking Tonight?”
Watch The Original! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfexEAExzhk&hd=1

Toy Bonnie as Nick
Toy Freddy as Coach
Toy Chica as Rochelle
Birthday Boy Blam as Ellis
Foxy as Francis

FNAF Animation
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
Video Rating: / 5

RE-MENT collectables #3 – Cooking

> RE-MENT collectables #3 - Cooking

(1) Product name:
0:04 ぷちキッチン
2:13 Let’s クッキング
(It cost 263 yen per set.)
(▲It was discontinued. / Made in 2004 – 2006. I bought it in 2006.)
Brand: RE-MENT
(2) Collectables for ages 12 and up. Those collectibles are not toys for a young child. You keep them displayed as a collection.
(3) They are not magnets. They snap in place or are just set in place.
(4) I made 1/12 scale kitchen. You can see detail of the kitchen.

▼Titled by re-uploaders▼
Yemek Tarifleri | Yemek Tarifleri
العاب يابانية مجنونة هههه
Кукольная еда
مطبخ مصغر
العاب يابانيه اطفال – تحضير الغداء



Спасибо за просмотр, и еще подпишись что бы не пропустить новое видео! ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО!
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КАНАЛ ЛЁШИ: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlexBlog2013

☆VKONTAKTE☆ :http://vk.com/id72951453
☆TWITTER☆ : https://twitter.com/tanyaaa388
☆ПАБЛИК☆ : http://vk.com/tanyatanyashilova
☆instagram: http://instagram.com/shilovatanya9☆
Video Rating: / 5

Amazing People Compilation – part 3 (Street Cooking)

> Amazing People Compilation - part 3 (Street Cooking)

Check out my new channels for more compilation video’s:


Revised version of amazing people compilation part 3 (street cooking)
Original sounds!

Enjoy and subscribe for more!
Share if you like!!!!

Thanks all for viewing and sharing!
Stay tuned for more!!!
Video Rating: / 5

RE-MENT collectables #2 – Cooking

> RE-MENT collectables #2 - Cooking

RE-MENT collectables #2 - Cooking

▼Why I changed my name to Nameless.

(1) Product name:
0:06 ごはんま~だ?!
2:54 お母さんの台所
(It cost 263 yen per set.)
(▲It was discontinued. / Made in 2005. I bought it in 2005.)
Brand: RE-MENT
(2) Collectables for ages 12 and up. Those collectibles are not toys for a young child. You keep them displayed as a collection.
(3) They are not magnets. They snap in place or are just set in place.
(4) It does not realty cook. (The items didn’t actually change colour. They’re just before-and-after things.)
(5) I made 1/12 scale kitchen. You can see detail of the kitchen.

0:47 カレーのルー (Curry roux.)
2:07-2:15 磯辺焼き (Rice cake wrapped with nori seaweed.) The tiny white square things are supposed to be rice cakes (mochi).

▼4:47 (#26-7) I lost quail eggs.. (T_T)

▼Titled by re-uploaders▼
çocuk oyun yemek seti – kız çockları için yemek yapma seti
Bộ đồ chơi nấu bếp phát triển tư duy cho bé
العاب رائعة
Bếp đồ chơi giống như thật
RE-MENT收集 – 烹饪(非食用)
العاب يابانيه اطفال – تحضير الغداء
مطبخ مصغر
Video Rating: / 5



Today I made Cooking Mama Chocolate Cornets in celebration of the new game coming out! I really enjoy making nerdy themed goodies and decorating them. I’m not a pro, but I love baking as a hobby. Please let me know what kind of treat you would like me to make next.

SPECIAL GUEST: Cooking Mama!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rosannapansino
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RosannaPansino
Tumblr: http://www.rosannapansino.tumblr.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/rosannapansino

COOKING MAMA 5: http://cookingmamaus.com/cookingmama5/

* (3/4) Cup Milk
* (2) Tbsp Butter
* (4) Tbsp Sugar: http://amzn.to/1shLsGW
* (1/2) Tsp Salt: http://amzn.to/1uRjK6Q
* (1 1/2) Cup Flour: http://amzn.to/1uRjy7u
* (1 1/4) Tsp Yeast: http://amzn.to/ZodOZk
* (1) Aluminum Foil: http://amzn.to/1BJuXKT
* (1) Mixing Bowl: http://amzn.to/1tZx5Np

Chocolate Filling:
* (2) Egg Yolks
* (200) ml Milk
* (1) Tbsp Flour: http://amzn.to/1uRjy7u
* (1) Tbsp Cocoa Powder: http://amzn.to/XwrTT1
* (1 1/3) Tbsp Cornstarch: http://amzn.to/1r4BGf8
* (2 1/2) Tbsp Sugar: http://amzn.to/1shLsGW

Monstercat Media for the song “Pump It”

Song by: http://www.youtube.com/user/RezonateMusic

Director of Photography: Michael Schmidt
Editor: Matt Jones http://www.twitter.com/mattjooones
Producer: Molly Lu http://instagram.com/MollyLuWho

SPECIAL THANKS to Majesco for teaming up with me on this video!

> #TDF2015: Cooking for the Team

Nutrition is a major part of cycling performance. Etixx – Quick-Step Team Chef Tom Caubergs, who is with us at Le Tour de France, talks about cooking for our riders!
Video Rating: / 5

Ice Cream Pie | Hilah Cooking

> Ice Cream Pie |  Hilah Cooking

Easiest ice cream pie recipe on the planet! Rice Krispies and peanut butter make the crust, then layer different ice cream for a pretty dessert. Ice cream pie recipe at http://hilahcooking.com/easiest-ice-cream-pie/

Subscribe for Free! (Get notified when I release a new video!):

Check out all my video recipes:

Check out my Vlog channel for behind-the-scenes videos https://www.youtube.com/user/hilahtalking


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Twitter : http://twitter.com/hilahcooking
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Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+HilahJohnson/posts
Instagram: http://instagram.com/hilahcooking


New Episodes every Saturday Morning!

Hilah Cooking is a short-form, educational web series focused on making cooking FUN! We release two episodes every week. Our focus is on simple, low-cost recipes with a Texas flair. Everything is made from scratch, people! You will not see any packets of taco seasoning mix or gravy powder up in here. If you are going to learn how to cook, you are going to learn it for real! But I promise it will be fun and easy.

For over 350 video recipes and contact information, visit http://hilahcooking.com