Horticulture in Kenya with Hortipro Ltd Greenhouses

> Horticulture in Kenya with Hortipro Ltd  Greenhouses

Farmers in the dry regions of the country can practice horticulture if they acquire the right green houses. Hortipro experts expounds more on how they think farmers can excel by using the specific green houses for specific regions. The customised structures for better results.

> Learning Horticulture In A Virtual World with Andy McIndoe

http://backtomygarden.com/8 Andy McIndoe is managing director of Hillier Nurseries and Garden Centres in Hampshire, England. He is the designer of the gold medal award winning Hillier exhibit at the Chelsea Flower Show for more than two decades. Andy is an author, lecturer, broadcaster and keen gardener!

You might find him in his 2 acre meadow garden, or working on his computer on his newest book. You might find him teaching passionate students around the world in his virtual university. Andy has an eye for creating beauty in the garden!

Title: BackToMyGarden Episode 008
Host: Dave Ledoux @backtomygarden
Guest: Andy McIndoe @andymcindoe

Free Report Reveals.. The 5 (Dirt Cheap) Tools I Use To Grow 22 Types Of Heirloom Tomatoes (Including My Secret Soil Booster) http://BackToMyGarden.com/FreeReport


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