Amazing hunting kill shots

> Amazing hunting kill shots

Amazing hunting kill shots

These amazing hunting drop compilations have been captured on film by Stuck N The rut themselves. Epic clips of one shot kills that will leave your speechless, mostly long range. Shots with a “338 ultra mag” For over the years, the Schneider family has always been into the sport of hunting. Eventually, we finally wanted to share our hunting experiences with you. We started to film our own hunts. As we started to film our hunts, we decided to call ourselves “Stuck N The Rut” and that name still stands as our hunting company. We have had hunting videos on the sportsman channel and on DVD. This is a compilation of our greatest achievements. We have successfully hunted and harvested with archery and rifle mule-deer, whitetail deer, elk, moose, caribou, wolf, coyote, grizzly bear, black bear, red stag. From long range to close up and personal with archery, we do it all. For more video’s, check out for more episodes. “Epic hunts” “amazing shots” “diy hunting”