Home Gardening Ideas – Creating Your Own Hypertufa And Finding Garden Treasures From Trash

Gardening is one great hobby to enjoy. Aside from the joy of seeing your flowers and plants thrive healthily on your backyard, you can also find many home gardening ideas and garden art to make your garden look amazing and refreshing to the eyes.

Imagine a great garden with waterfalls, with stone art and all those nice stepping-stones and other garden ornaments. Indeed, gardening is not just satisfying your senses wit the fresh environment of your garden but also a way to express your being artistic.

Hypertufa Garden Art

One amazing garden art that you can make in your garden is with the use of hypertufa. Hypertufa is an artificially made rock that is used as a substitute for the ‘tufa’ rock, which is a very good material for plants to grow and thrive because of its porosity. However, the tufa rock has now become rare and expensive, thus the creation of hypertufa is an alternative.

One good thing about using hypertufa for your creative home gardening ideas is that, you can actually do it yourself and shape it according to what you want. You can make planters, troughs, pots, rocks, even hypertufa leaves, and just any garden accent you want. You will just need Portland cement, peat moss and perlite, mix these ingredients with water and mold to your chosen size and shape and let it cure and dry for several days.

Unlike ceramics, clay or plastics that will crack, hypertufa is durable, lightweight and can withstand harsh weather especially the freezing temperatures in winter. Because of its porosity, it is also a good material for plants to thrive even with little maintenance and watering.

You can actually find some hypertufa recipes for you to start with for your DIY home gardening ideas. You must be guided according to the hypertufa recipe fit for the product you want. You can make your hypertufa very lightweight or very strong by following a slightly different recipe.

Garden accents and planters from trash

Aside from making your own hypertufa for your garden needs, you can also make use of some junks that will be good garden decors, planters and accents. You can make use of an old wheelbarrow as an accent or a planter for you garden, or you can reinvent old containers and pots by adding some modern look into it. Old watering cans can also be repainted and designed to give a unique look to your garden.

Old chairs can be repainted and redesigned to make excellent plant stands. Old bathtubs can also be great ‘mini ponds’ for your garden where you can put your stone art and hypertufa creations. Indeed, you can find treasures from the junk that will make your garden look amazing.

You can actually find many home gardening ideas that will inspire you to make your home garden more refreshing and attractive as well. You do not need to have expensive decors and accents, you can actually find them in your trash, or you can make it on your own with just so little cost.

Carolyn Anderson loves gardening and decorating her home garden. To learn about making hypertufa, check out this guide to making hypertufa. Check out this guide on Organic Food Gardening if you want to grow your own healthy food.

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