Wayne Dyer – Always Get What You Think About Using This Method | Law Of Attraction

> Wayne Dyer - Always Get What You Think About Using This Method | Law Of Attraction

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#waynedyer #Manifestation #Lawofattraction

Wayne Dyer – Always Get What You Think About Using This Method | Law Of Attraction\

🔈 SPEAKER : Dr. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Walter Dyer was an American self-help author and a motivational speaker. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 100 million copies sold to date.

You can find more of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s work here:


►Inspired By:

💎 Dr. Wayne Dyer – Make the Universe Manifest Your Visualization Instantly!

💎 Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS – One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches

💎 5 Lessons To Live By – Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring)

💎 Audiobook: The Awakend Life by Wayne Dyer

💎 CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS CHANGE YOUR LIFE, Living with the wisdom of the Dao Dr Wayne Dyer

💎 Control THIS Powerful INVISIBLE FORCE and SUCCESS will Follow! | Wayne Dyer MOTIVATION

💎 Wayne Dyer ~ Do Not Go Back To Sleep [What It Means To Wake Up At 3am]
💎 Wayne Dyer On What The Soul Wants | What It Asks For The Most ~ Inspirational
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tEoEdir7qI
💎 These Wayne Dyer Quotes Are Life Changing (Motivational Video)
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FScdY07WXl4
💎 Cambiará Tu Vida 🔴 Wayne Dyer Nos Da La Clave SECRETA Para Usar El Campo Cuántico de Intención
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l76UjsWNbrY
💎 “This Really Works! 2 Times Everyday” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SILxvGCO1Uk
💎 Wayne Dyer – Meditation – Affirmations – Revised & Extended – U.S. Andersen – Three Magic Words.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ImQV46lF4

🛎️ For more inspiring and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VisionClari…
And press the bell icon to get a notification, when the new video will be published.

🎥 Video footage: all video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from Videoblocks.

🎶 Music: Free Audio Library- No Copyright Music
Meditation music for positive energy no copyright music

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
-We’ve only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. We do not own the clips and music we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible.

> Wayne Dyer - Say These Words When You Wake up Every Morning!

“Unlock Unlimited Abundance with ‘The Language of Abundance’ Discover More Here: https://bit.ly/3QuR4np

#waynedyer #Manifestation #Lawofattraction

Wayne Dyer – Always Get What You Think About Using This Method | Law Of Attraction\

🔈 SPEAKER : Dr. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Walter Dyer was an American self-help author and a motivational speaker. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 100 million copies sold to date.

You can find more of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s work here:


►Inspired By:

💎 Dr. Wayne Dyer – Make the Universe Manifest Your Visualization Instantly!

💎 Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS – One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches

💎 5 Lessons To Live By – Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring)

💎 Audiobook: The Awakend Life by Wayne Dyer

💎 CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS CHANGE YOUR LIFE, Living with the wisdom of the Dao Dr Wayne Dyer

💎 Control THIS Powerful INVISIBLE FORCE and SUCCESS will Follow! | Wayne Dyer MOTIVATION

💎 Wayne Dyer ~ Do Not Go Back To Sleep [What It Means To Wake Up At 3am]
💎 Wayne Dyer On What The Soul Wants | What It Asks For The Most ~ Inspirational
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tEoEdir7qI
💎 These Wayne Dyer Quotes Are Life Changing (Motivational Video)
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FScdY07WXl4
💎 Cambiará Tu Vida 🔴 Wayne Dyer Nos Da La Clave SECRETA Para Usar El Campo Cuántico de Intención
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l76UjsWNbrY
💎 “This Really Works! 2 Times Everyday” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SILxvGCO1Uk
💎 Wayne Dyer – Meditation – Affirmations – Revised & Extended – U.S. Andersen – Three Magic Words.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ImQV46lF4

🛎️ For more inspiring and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VisionClari…
And press the bell icon to get a notification, when the new video will be published.

🎥 Video footage: all video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from Videoblocks.

🎶 Music: Free Audio Library- No Copyright Music
Meditation music for positive energy no copyright music

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
-We’ve only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. We do not own the clips and music we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible.

Top 5 skills every social media manager needs!

> Top 5 skills every social media manager needs!

👉All-In-One Content Management Notion Template: https://www.joannayung.com/shop/p/content-engine-notion-template
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👉Client Onboarding Intake Questionnaire: https://www.joannayung.com/shop/p/client-onboarding-intake-questionnaire

🎁Free Social Media Manager Training: https://www.socialnomadacademy.com/
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🌟Take my courses on LinkedIn Learning
Course 1: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/content-creation-strategy-and-tools
Course 2: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/social-media-marketing-content-batching-and-repurposing/
Course 3: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/how-to-succeed-as-a-social-media-manager-nano-tips-with-joanna-yung
Video Rating: / 5

How to Start Social Media Marketing (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners)

> How to Start Social Media Marketing  (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners)

You know you need to be on social media but as a beginner, it’s overwhelming and complicated. So how do you start? ►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

You know you need to be on social media. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Some of the most popular sites out there on the web. Even Snapchat, even though Instagram is crushing it, it’s still doing really well. They have over a hundred million active users daily. But as a beginner, all of this is overwhelming and complicated. So how do you start? Hey, everyone, I’m Neil Patel, and today I’m gonna share with you how to get started with social media as a beginner.

0:30 How to Start Social Media Marketing Tip #1
The first thing you need to do is pick the right social network. Yes, there’s a lot of them. Whether it’s Facebook, whether it’s LinkedIn, whether it’s Twitter, it’s up to you on which network you want to be on. You could be on all of them but if you’re in all of them you’re not gonna spend enough time to make these profiles amazing.

3:30 How to Start Social Media Marketing Tip #2
But now that you have a right one, the second thing you need to do is start creating content. Yes, you’re like hey I have no friends, I have no following. It doesn’t matter no one’s gonna follow if you don’t have any content. So start creating content. That starts off with completing your profile.

4:30 How to Start Social Media Marketing Tip #3
Now that you’re creating content, the next thing you need to do is build a connection. And you need to build a connection with people, it’s a social network. Just because you’re on a computer doesn’t mean you’re not connecting with humans. So make sure you’re friending all the people that you know, following them. You’re engaging, right you’re building connections.

6:00 How to Start Social Media Marketing Tip #4
And the last tip is don’t go for follower count. It’s all about having valuable connections, personal ones. Because if your first 100 fans or followers aren’t that engaged with you, all these social networks have it in their algorithms where they’re looking at a percentage.

If you’re still confused on how to get started with social media, leave a comment below I’ll answer, I’ll help you out. If there’s anything I can do to help you just let me know. I truly am here to help you succeed. Thank you for watching. Please comment, share, like, and tell other people about this video.

00:00 – Introduction
00:30 Step 1 – Pick The Right Social Network
02:47 Step 2 – Starting Create Content ( Complete Your Profile )
04:34 Step 3 – Building Connection With People ( Engage )
06:03 Step 4 – It’s All about Having Valuable Connections
7:03 Bonus Tip – Don’t Promote Your Business on Day 1

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital https://npdigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SocialMedia #MarketingDigital #SEO
Video Rating: / 5

Wayne Dyer – Listen To These 10 Spiritual Advice & Transform Your Life Today

> Wayne Dyer - Listen To These 10 Spiritual Advice & Transform Your Life Today

Wayne Dyer shares ten pieces of great spiritual advice for transforming your life today. This is taken from his audiobook 101 Ways To Transform Your Life.

See Wayne Dyer Playlist Here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLgIG1qO1-7xWLS64sd16A3yM6caTnn1C

☀️Speaker: Wayne Dyer. Visit the official Wayne Dyer blog at https://www.drwaynedyer.com for his books, audio lectures, podcasts, and daily inspiration.

☀️Dr. Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. He wrote more than 40 books– 21 of which are New York Times bestsellers. Affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans, he has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

Each content on this channel is transformed and made unique for the purpose of inspiring and empowering others.

➡➡➡ Get Your FREE 10 Affirmations To Recite Daily And Start Your Day Happy, Peaceful & Calm! Download PDF here https://hellohappie.com

💙WEBSITE: https://hellohappie.com
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💙SUPPORT: https://buymeacoffee.com/hellohappie

💙 E-BOOKS: (All FREE On Kindle Unlimited!)
Change Your Focus, Change Your Feelings (The 21 Happiness Perspectives)
100 Habits For Self-Love
75 Things The Universe Wants To Tell You
101 Affirmations for Inner Peace & Relaxation

🙏Please feel free to Subscribe and hit the bell button so you’ll get notified whenever new content is published. Thank you for the time!

Wishes Fulfilled https://amzn.to/3k9vUJo
Power Of Intention https://amzn.to/2UtMw5R
Manifest Your Destiny https://amzn.to/2W74BXO
You’ll See It When You Believe It https://amzn.to/3y1zES6

💙 Some links above are affiliate links. Thank you for your support!

Iona Kristina 🙂

#transformation #advice

5 Hidden Habits to Transform Your Life | Robin Sharma

> 5 Hidden Habits to Transform Your Life | Robin Sharma

5 Hidden Habits to Transform Your Life | Robin Sharma

In this super personal growth video, Robin Sharma takes you along on his mountain bike on the early morning streets of Rome – while he shares practical and valuable ideas on really increasing your productivity, prosperity and happiness in these uncertain times.

To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 eBook for free. Click on the link below to claim yours today.

Stay Connected:
Instagram: https://instagr.am/RobinSharma
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobinSharma
Facebook: https://facebook.com/RobinSharmaOfficial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RobinShar…

About Robin Sharma – Celebrated Leadership Expert + Advisor to Business Titans + Humanitarian

Robin Sharma is considered to be one of the Top 5 Leadership Experts in the world as well as an internationally acclaimed bestselling author. His work is embraced by rock stars, royalty, billionaires and celebrity CEOs.

Deeply passionate about helping children in need live happier, healthier lives, Robin founded The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children (RSFC) as a registered charitable foundation. With every copy of The Everyday Hero Manifesto and The 5AM Club sold, a portion of royalties goes to help children with leprosy. So when you win, they win.

#robinsharma #leadership #productivity #eliteperformance #business #entrepreneur #success #serve #theeverydayheromanifesto #the5amclub #themonkwhosoldhisferrari #LWT #5AMclub #dailymasterypodcast
Video Rating: / 5

> The Easiest Way to Master a New Skill: Robin Sharma on Learning

Learning is your superpower. And science has confirmed it. It’s the ability of your brain to grow and adapt to new situations, so you learn new skills. It’s called neuroplasticity. And it works like a charm.

If you are interested in learning something new so you enjoy a far better you, be sure to watch this hot new video on learning by Robin Sharma.


To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 eBook for free. Click on the link below to claim yours today.


Stay Connected:
Instagram: https://instagr.am/RobinSharma
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobinSharma
Facebook: https://facebook.com/RobinSharmaOfficial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RobinShar…

About Robin Sharma – Celebrated Leadership Expert + Advisor to Business Titans + Humanitarian

Robin Sharma is one of the top leadership experts in the world, as well as the #1 worldwide bestselling author of “The 5AM Club”, “The Everyday Hero Manifesto”, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The Leader Who Had No Title.” His work is embraced by billionaires, rock icons, professional athletes, members of royalty, and celebrity CEOs.

Go ahead and order his books here: https://rshar.ma/books

Deeply passionate about helping children in need live happier, healthier lives, Robin founded The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children (RSFC) as a registered charitable foundation. With every copy of “The Everyday Hero Manifesto” and “The 5AM Club” sold, a portion of royalties goes to help children with leprosy. So when you win, they win.

#robinsharma #leadership #productivity #eliteperformance #business #entrepreneur #success #serve #theeverydayheromanifesto #the5amclub #themonkwhosoldhisferrari #LWT #5AMclub #dailymasterypodcast

one year off social media, an update

> one year off social media, an update

Social Media was at one point an essential part of my life, so quitting was something I never imagined I’d do. However, about more than year ago I decided to delete most of my social platforms for the sake of my sanity lol. Although the process has come with its fair share of ups and down, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Hopefully this video helps you out a if youre looking to do the same, all the best!! Love ya

0:00 Intro
0:19 Addressing Things
0:55 More Intro
1:07 Cons
7:26 Pros
14:30 FAQ
19:00 Outro

Commissioned Champions | Nick Vujicic | Gateway Church

> Commissioned Champions | Nick Vujicic | Gateway Church

Join us as we stream our service! Guest speaker Nick Vujicic shares three ways Jesus empowers us to make a difference in the lives of others and share His love with the world around us.
Follow along with notes on the YouVersion app – http://bible.com/events/49084564

00:00 – Welcome
00:55 – My Help by Gateway Worship
06:08 – Who Else by Gateway Worship
13:36 – What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship
17:00 – Thank you to those who gave their life
20:41 – What’s happening at Gateway
23:52 – Message
44:31 – Commissioned champions pray
53:15 – Commissioned champions heal
1:04:10 – Commissioned champions preach
1:11:48 – Closing

→ Request Prayer: https://gway.ch/YTPrayer
→ Join our Online Community: https://gway.ch/YTONLFB
→ Create a Gateway Profile: https://gway.ch/YTONLProfile
→ Gateway Merch: https://gway.ch/YTMerch
→ Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://gway.ch/YTSUB
→ TALK WITH US: Text ‘ONLINE’ to 71010

→ Instagram: https://gway.ch/YTIG
→ Twitter: https://gway.ch/YTTWv
→ Facebook: https://gway.ch/YTFB

→ Gateway Worship: https://gway.ch/YTGWWorship
→ Gateway Español: https://gway.ch/YTGWEspañol
→ Gateway Students: https://gway.ch/YTGWS

Gateway Church is a Bible-based, evangelistic, Spirit-empowered church founded in 2000 by Pastor Robert Morris. Today we meet as one church in many locations with more than 100,000 people attending each weekend.

At Gateway, we’re all about people.
We’re all about people because God is all about people. One of the ways we express our love for Him is through our love for people, and we do this by helping people who come to Gateway grow in their relationship with the Lord.

#GatewayChurch #GatewayPeople
Video Rating: / 5

5 Explosive Digital Marketing Strategies for 2023 (BIG Changes Ahead!)

> 5 Explosive Digital Marketing Strategies for 2023 (BIG Changes Ahead!)

Are you ready for the future of digital marketing? In this video, I’m discussing five brand new digital marketing strategies for 2023.

Digital marketing is changing rapidly and there’s no stopping the trend. In this video, I’m outlining five strategies that will help you stay ahead of the curve in digital marketing for the year 2023. From social media marketing to search, to influencer marketing, these strategies will help you stay competitive and grow your business!

A big shout-out to Ricky from “Income School!” Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/incomeschool

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How to Develop a Social Media Strategy Step by Step

> How to Develop a Social Media Strategy Step by Step

Here’s my step by step process for developing a social media strategy! Grab my FREE social media manager starter kit here: http://bit.ly/thesmmstarterkit

Looking for more education and support? Check out my live and self-paced programs for SMM and Online Business: https://courses.latashajames.com


my socials:
» podcast: the freelance friday podcast
» instagram: @thelatashajames
» twitter: @thelatashajames
» tiktok: @thelatashajames

my business email: hello@ajourneyeast.com

SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos on life as a social media manager, entrepreneurship tips, Detroit lifestyle, and travel: https://goo.gl/3Klxj9


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☽ video is not sponsored.

#SocialMediaManager #Freelancer #Entrepreneur

It's TIME To Leave Your Comfort Zone | Les Brown

> It's TIME To Leave Your Comfort Zone | Les Brown

You have something special, you have GREATNESS in you.

I hope you liked this video, and if you are looking for more motivational content, then I want to invite you to join my free 30-day motivational challenge on my website at https://lesbrown.com

The other thing I want to let you know is that I am looking for people that have a positive message to tell the world. If you want to be a public speaker like me, then I have a course that’ll teach you how to speak with power and passion and ultimately… SPEAK FOR A LIVING.

Go to https://lesbrown.com/speaker-course-youtube


Thanks again for watching!

Mamie Brown’s Baby Boy

Want To Go Deeper? Here Are Some Great Resources To Help You On Your Journey:
You’ve Got To Be HUNGRY: The GREATNESS Within to Win – https://amzn.to/3z3a81K
The Power of Purpose: How to Create the Life You Always Wanted – https://amzn.to/3K9c6o1
Video Rating: / 5

> The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | Les Brown

Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! http://bit.ly/MotivationVideos

Subscribe to Tom Bilyeu’s channel for more inspiring speeches:

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Twitter: http://bit.ly/2qir5TO


Footage licensed through Videoblocks and Artgrid.

Borrtex – You Are Not Alone


Copyright disclaimer:
We own commercial licenses for all the content used in this video and it was fully edited by us.

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Video Rating: / 5