> Biggest Social Media Marketing Trends for 2023

Breaking down the top three social media marketing trends you need to know about in 2023, from AI to… Facebook?!
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This video is not sponsored.

0:00 – hi I’m back!
0:30 – artificial intelligence
2:10 – ai tools I actually like
5:26 – facebook
9:26 – video marketing

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#SocialMediaManager #Freelancer #Entrepreneur
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20 thoughts on “Biggest Social Media Marketing Trends for 2023”
  1. Definitely just Googled "Shelby Dubin" thinking I was one click away from a cute coffee shop to try, haha! Love that branding. Go Shelby! Cheers, Britt

  2. Thank you for the video! Can you showcase your most statistically successful sponsored posts?

  3. If this Munch AI thing works, it could be a game changer for the one client I’m helping! They have a previous podcast they want to flip clips onto TikTok but don’t have the time to go through and find the clips for all the episodes since it’s basically a one-person operation. I’m very much of the opinion that AI is for use speeding up workflows or helping aggregate ideas to build off of especially for super small teams where there’s usually no one to bounce ideas off of or there just isn’t time.

  4. Hey, latasha just visited your channel after youtube recommendation, and wanna say you are doing good job but lacking in video editing,
    As a video editor i can create more engaging videos for you, because more engaging videos means more audiences retention and youtuble algorithm like this factor,
    If you are interested we can disucss more.

  5. What online services can you recommend for dynamic statistics of advertising accounts?

  6. This video is so perfect for exactly where I am in my life! The self babying I’m doing right now feels like self care in the moment but long term I’m not going anywhere and long term isn’t taking care of myself. Really appreciate your thoughts!

  7. I will say for Facebook one of my clients has both a personal and business account for their brand. I post on both. So making a personal account for your business might be good as well.

  8. Great insights and yes Facebook is making a comeback!!!! My reels have done so well 🎉lately

    Congratulations on your speaking gig! I’m sure you did well 😊

  9. I feel like AI to assist is amazing. Gramerly and Descript are great. At this point in the game, AI looks and feels AI. You can pick it out from a mile away. It might be shiny and new for people but like Vinyl, sometimes people just like the analog experience. Like I watch you, because I like your take on things, I like knowing that you're an introvert and it's not as perfect as it all looks on YT. For me, AI is like a faster google search and not something I would want to follow online.

  10. These trends are spot on. In the past weeks, I’ve listened to Gary Vee and just yesterday I watched “Canva Create.” Gary definitely emphasized on the importance of video marketing and consistency of posting across all social platforms to increase visibility. Canva released some cool features yesterday and they are integrating more AI into the mix. I totally agree, AI will never replace the human element of creation but it is a great filler. Love your content and thank you for dropping gems 💎!!

  11. 🙋In the video, James emphasizes the importance of community building for brands and businesses. Businesses should focus on creating a place where their fans, followers, customers and customers can connect with each other and with the brand on a deeper level. Examples of successful community building include Facebook groups, Discord servers, and in-person events or meetups, and James highlights TikTok as a standout platform in the world of social media because of its unique ability to help anyone go viral and gain 15 seconds of fame. Unlike other social media platforms, which may be driven by following celebrities or influencers, TikTok has broad appeal, allowing ordinary people to gain popularity. Speakers noted that this is particularly appealing to younger audiences who may be weary of the algorithmic and pay-to-play nature of other social media platforms.👍🔔📝↗️

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