> Bob Burg's Endless Referrals Action Tip #1

https://endlessreferrals.com | Imagine what Endless Referrals could mean for your business!


It’s the single biggest issue to overcome for practically everyone in sales.

With your Endless Referrals Action Tip, I’m Bob Burg.

Practically everyone in any type of business; any type of sales; at one time or another has to deal with running out of new, high-quality prospects. During the scarier times you might have even asked yourself that most DREADED of questions, and that is, “Who do I talk to next now that my original list of names has run out.”

I invite you to follow these videos as not only will you learn how to never again have to ask yourself that question; you’ll find yourself creating those A-list high quality prospects both from those new people you meet every day, those centers of influence within your community with whom you’ll develop powerful relationships, and from your present customers and clients who should be providing you with referrals even if up till now you haven’t been receiving referrals FROM them. We’ll work on that.

You want to have a referral mindset, which basically says that referrals are not a surprise; they’re not a sometime thing that just happens to come your way because someone else decides on their own that that would be a good idea. I mean, those are always great, as well, but DEPENDING on those is not a way to develop a business that’s emotionally rewarding, very profitable, and allows you to serve a LOT more people with the exceptional value that you provide through your excellent product or service.

Instead, referrals and great introductions are going to become a powerful and PREDICTABLE aspect of your business.

Today’s action tip: really consider how much more fun, less stressful, and much more profitable your business would be if you knew you could actually expect referrals from anyone and everyone qualified to provide them.

In subsequent Endless Referrals Action Tips we’ll look at how to make that happen.

Meanwhile visit endlessreferrals.com or just click on the link below for more information on how you can develop endless referrals for your business.

I’m Bob Burg, wishing you Endless Referrals…The Go-Giver Way!

Check out Bob’s Endless Referrals: The Go-Giver Way online video course – https://endlessreferrals.com